Our Rapid Disinfect is the best way to deep clean & disinfect public areas and help stop the spread of viruses. The process uses EPA-registered products to minimize the risk of pathogens spreading. Call us to help you create a clean environment & stop the spread.

Cleaning & Disinfecting Services

Tormenta Restoration is committed to providing our valued clients with the best advice and Infection Control Services during this pandemic, to ensure a safe and healthy community for the Condominium clients we service on a plan basis. Amidst the rapid spread of the recent Coronavirus throughout the World and now close to home, we are providing our clients to explore our many services, to assist in minimizing and preventing the effects related illnesses in the daily lives of your Condominium Community.

cleaning up

Research on the new Coronavirus indicates that its many symptoms include infections of the nose, throat and lungs. New information comes in on this new virus, we are learning fromonoing cases in that they are experiencing cross-contamination in high rise buildings. The most commonly spread ways of this virus are: through the air – via coughing and sneezing, via touching or shaking hands or via touching something with a virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands.

The CDC and Health Canada give emphasis to making sure you use a/any disinfectant with a DIN on the product label – any virucidal claim on the product will be a bonus.

disinfecting space

CDC states the following:

Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.

Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces that people touch frequently such as toilets, bedside tables, doorknobs, phones and television remotes with regular household cleaners or diluted bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts water).

Please find below some of the steps and infection control services we recommend for preventing cross-contamination and the rapid spread of microorganisms and viruses in your Condominium:

Treatment with Ultra-Fogger and Plant Based Micro-solvent agent in:

  • Common Areas and Hallways
  • Door Handles of common areas and rooms
  • Lobby Furniture
  • Exercise Room
  • Common Kitchens
  • Common Washrooms
  • Management Office
  • Security Desk
  • Drapery and Window Treatments
  • Elevators and more

Clean all surfaces with 100% Antimicrobial Agent / Disinfectant:

  • Kills over 99.99% of Germs and bacteria including envelope viruses [Coronavirus]
  • Virucidal, Fungicidal, Teberculocidal
  • Plant Extracts Organic
  • No Synthetic Fragrances, Dyes or Bleach
  • No Cautions/Warnings on The Label or MSDS Sheets
Cleaning handle

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